Montag, 24. November 2008

Back to the Past

One shall never forget past passions - they can show us the way!
I went for a walk about a week ago, before it got really cold in Hamburg. And I was a bit lost, as so often, contemplating over what life is all about and stuff, when I stumbled upon this little creature. I didn't actually stumble, in that case the poor thing would have been dead. But this hairy catepillar totally made me travel back in time 20 years! When I was a kid I used to play with those all summer long! It made me very happy to watch them crawl around, I made small houses for them to live in and made them run races against each other (as a child I never thought it could be called torture... I WAS JUST PLAYING!) So getting back to these memories of the time of innocent and pure joy (I know, cheesy) was somehow comforting and made my day!

6 Kommentare:

ALL hat gesagt…
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ALL hat gesagt…

ich habe vor genau 2 jahren (17.nov 06) auch dieses boot fotografiert!

Kukolka hat gesagt…

Wie witzig! Und da sind sogar Ulli Schwedes und Benjamin dabei :-)

ALL hat gesagt…

morgen geht ein brief an dich raus puppe

Lauren hat gesagt…

Awww I used to play with those too! I'd tap them so they'd roll up into a little ball. Very neat find!

Shaggy Brown Fedora hat gesagt…

thats a great picture