Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2009

These are...

...the highlights of my day:

1. Something in the mail for me: NAPOLEON DYNAMITE DVD, which I just had ordered YESTERDAY! How quick was that!??!

2. "Your mother goes left in a Super Mario game..."

3. My flatmate gives me "a new Björk CD" (Volta). [I thought, I was quite the fan, but since I hadn't realized she HAD a new album, I guess that title is history.]

4. I bid sucessfully on an item I've been wanting to possess for quite some time:

Silly? I don't care :-D Happy-time in Knausiland.

And these are the lowlights of my day:

1. Cold feet
2. Migraine towards the evening and the two pills didn't even help, though they usually do.

That's it!

1 Kommentar:

Lauren hat gesagt…

What an awesome ebay find! I'm jealous!!!!